How To Reduce Print Costs
Printing remains vital for many organisations; however, it often comes with hidden financial and environmental costs. This page provides practical strategies to reduce printing costs, from cloud printing solutions to improved print management, while also reducing waste and enhancing productivity. Learn how to cut unnecessary printing costs, save resources, and boost your flexibility with secure, cloud-based printing options.

Optimise your printing costs
Talk of the paperless office has been around years, but it’s a prediction yet to be realised. The fact is, print is a highly effective form of communication – research has shown that comprehension rates are better when reading printed text than digital text1, so it’s unlikely that we’ll stop printing any time soon.
However, printing does have financial and environmental costs for businesses that need to be carefully managed. It’s estimated that businesses spend between one and three per cent of their revenue on printing each year2. Combine that with the statistic that around 50%3 of all business waste is paper, and that “44% of all printouts are unnecessary”4, it’s clear that there is significant potential to reduce both printing costs and environmental impact.
Ways to reduce printing costs

Sustainable printing through better management
Because cloud print management gives businesses and users greater control and visibility of printing activity, it’s less likely that documents will be printed unnecessarily. For example, fewer documents will be discarded because they contain errors and fewer documents will be left uncollected on printers.
Less printing also means less use of resources – paper, ink, toner, cartridges, electricity – further reducing environmental footprint.
How reducing printing costs can enhance productivity
Can digital alternatives help reduce printing?
Does the type of paper affect printing costs?
What’s the benefit of a print management software?
How does font selection impact printing expenses?
Should I print in colour or black and white?

Get started
If you’re ready to reduce your business’s printing costs, get in touch
Contact us today.