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Secure Document Printing

Protect your data at work. Find out how to keep your documents secure in today’s evolving work environment. Learn more about potential security risks and how to protect yourself from them with the help of pull print technology, end-to-end encryption, and modern, robust print management software.

What is secure document printing?

The need to create a secure printing environment has jumped up the priority list of many organisations over recent years. It’s been triggered in part by the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, but also by the changing landscape of work. With more of us adopting a remote or hybrid work set-up, how and where we print work-related documents, and what happens to those documents once they have been printed, has come under the spotlight.

What are the potential print security risks?

Print security risks are higher in a direct printing environment where no print management software is installed and documents are released for print automatically after the user has clicked ‘print’. Much of the risk comes down to human error:

• Abandoned or forgotten print jobs
• Selection of the wrong printer
• Documents thrown in the bin rather than disposed of in the appropriate channels

As well as the potential waste aspect, this casual approach to printing presents the risk of confidential documents falling into the wrong hands.

How to print documents securely

Print management software available through SaaS cloud printing eliminates much of the risk of human error thanks to the multiple security controls available:

  • End-to-end encryption, from job submission to printing
  • Print management software to control and monitor access
  • Zero-trust architecture – users must authenticate themselves every time they print using, for example, card authentication, PIN, mobile phone, or username and password
  • Print jobs are released or ‘pulled’ for printing only when the user is standing at the printer and has logged in

Of course, once a document has been printed, it’s down to humans again, so it’s important to also introduce and enforce secure printing policies and procedures.

Is there a difference between secure print and pull print?

The ability to print securely is a key benefit of cloud-printing software. It enables a print job to be held in a queue and released for print only when the user has authenticated who they are and is physically standing at the printer.

Pull print is equally secure, but instead of the print job being allocated to one specific printer, it can be ‘pulled’ down to any enabled printer in the user’s workplace. It’s a functionality that is especially helpful for workers who move between locations.

Get started

Need to up the security of your document printing?

Get in touch today.